Iranian calligraphist & painter


Omid Khakbaz


Tehran – 1979

Associate Degree in Painting

Master in Graphic Design

Certificate for Society of Iranian Calligraphists









On the Occasion of Omid Khakbaz’s Exhibition of Calligraphic Paintings

    In the work of Omid Khakbaz each word or each piece of mirror reflects the ever-lasting presence of mystic thoughts in the geometry of Islamic-Persian art and architecture. We can observe the influence of this in the expansion of the canvas as an eternal rhythm forever. That is why the artist’s use of mirror-work on canvas and the combination of geometric angular forms with the curved words could be indicative of introducing new thoughts in his work. Here, the fertile mind of the painter and his total control over the application of color and light redefine a new visual interpretation of the nature of reflection for us.

     Omid Khakbaz, in this collection, attempts to have freedom in performing calligraphy without caring about traditional rules and principles. Therefore, he applies the circular form in a centripetal composition being indicative of the inclination of everything towards its origin. This matter, in terms of mystic interpretation, is also visible in Eastern art and architecture. Although these two issues may seem different at first (one is totally abstract and recurring, the other, figurative), this is the exact quality/characteristic seen in Islamic-Persian architecture, especially in brick-work and mirror-work of religious and historic buildings.

     In the present collection the painter aims at reading a mysterious and wonderful image of Persian art history. This trend is ranging from the brick-work of Seljuq domes to amazing mirror-work of Qajar period. He invites us during this long journey to visit the magnificence of those recurring, invocation-like motifs and arrangements of bricks and rectangle mirrors of the Persian circular domes. Color and light, in this way, take a major role in the works of the artist. Perhaps it is due to the extraordinary, unusual size of his canvases and the presence of delicate mirror-work as well as the reflection of light and colors in calligraphic forms that such works assert tremendous influence on the addressees, as if they are sauntering in a lovely, pretty orchard. 

Kianoush Motaghedi

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